Export a Command Line cURL Command to an Executable

It feels like all I do is write code that calls to an API, whether it be in python, C++,  C, Java, Ruby, and so on. It is one of the most common things any software engineer will do; take the input of one function/process and plug it into another. To start this process, my […]

How to Log Into Keybase with AJAX

To be honest, few things have caused me more frustration the past month than trying to work with the Keybase API (although it is still in beta). What’s Keybase you ask? Essentially, it is a centralized hub where you can store a “public key” (used to encrypt messages) or if a user desires store a “private […]

You are given a deck containing n cards

From time to time, it’s good to sharpen ones skills by doing a puzzle or two. Personally, I enjoy reviewing interview questions. They provide me with both experience with interview questions, and often fun subtle tricks. The problem I found today was probably one of my favorites[1]: You are given a deck containing n cards. […]