The Opportunity Cost of War

Today, it is fairly common to turn on the news, read a book, listen to a lecture in history and for the speaker to discuss the cost of a war. Quantifying the cost is usually done in dollars, assessed by how much money was actually spent or how many lives were lost. The victor and […]

Technical Interviews Today and Tomorrow

I would define interviewing as follows: The process of identifying the individuals who can achieve greatness. Great companies need to select employees capable of achieving greatness on their own. Then, and only then, can a company be used as a catalyst to achieve that greatness to benefit both the company and the individual. Remember, employees are selling their […]

Synaptitude and Applying to Y Combinator

This week, after many sleepless nights. I am finally ready to launch, the website for the company Synaptitude I hope to create with Robb and Cole. We also recently (last night) applied to Y Combinator for Winter 2015. Although the acceptance to the program is <3% [1], I think we have a fair chance. Our […]