Over and Under Qualified

In 2015, I was offered corporate funding for a PhD at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Further, I had a professor interested in working with me and an interesting area of research. Instead, I decided to pursue a career in industry with my recently issued B.S. in Computer Science. I joined Capital One. Qualifications […]

Tiny Handcuffs

When you read “tiny hand cuffs” you may be thinking about small, tight, steel wrapping your wrist. The truth is, I wanted to give the impression of tiny hands cuffing a wrist. The term Tiny Handcuffs is a play on the phrase Golden Handcuffs: [Which] refers to financial allurements and benefits that have the objective to […]

Obtaining Loyal Customers with a Sub-Par Product

Building a startup from scratch is hard work. Particularly, when you’re a solo founder, such as myself. You simply have limited time. There is a constant, balancing act between where to focus: customer engagement, product management, engineering, design, etc. For me, the order is: Customers Product management Engineering Without customers you can’t develop the product […]