Building a Kickstarter: What I Learned

It has often been said, that filling out a Y Combinator application is an excellent way to gain perspective about your startup, regardless of making it to interviews. Although I wouldn’t argue with that, I’m here to inform you that building a Kickstarter has (at least for us) helped far more. To put this in perspective, we have […]

PCA: Principal Component Analysis

PCA ,or Principal Component Analysis, is defined as the following in wikipedia[1]: A statistical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components. In other words, it is a technique that reduces an data to its most […]

The Opportunity Cost of War

Today, it is fairly common to turn on the news, read a book, listen to a lecture in history and for the speaker to discuss the cost of a war. Quantifying the cost is usually done in dollars, assessed by how much money was actually spent or how many lives were lost. The victor and […]