BasicBookReader – Update Graphs

Today I have added the statistics viewer. This is an in-app display of how many pages you read, times, etc. Currently, it is not complete. However, the graphing functions work and I can graph day-to-day how much I read as well as specific progress for each book. There is much more to come, but having […]

BasicBookReader Update – Solo Interest

I have been reviewing the data I have been gathering on myself for the BascBookReader and it turns out (no big surprise here) that how long a person spends reading a page directly reflects how interested they are. The following is a composite of the statistics I currently am gathering. This includes iris tracking, blood presser […]

Introduction to Markov Processes (a.k.a. Markov Chains)

Markov Chains Markov Processes, also called Markov Chains are described as a series of “states” which transition from one to another, and have a given probability for each transition. They are used as a statistical model to represent and predict real world events. Below is a representation of a Markov Chain with two states. If the […]