BasicBookReader – Update Graphs

Today I have added the statistics viewer. This is an in-app display of how many pages you read, times, etc. Currently, it is not complete. However, the graphing functions work and I can graph day-to-day how much I read as well as specific progress for each book. There is much more to come, but having a working graphing function which expands and shrinks as necessary is a step in the right direction.

As for upcoming functionality I would like to include zoom-in/zoom-out, times it takes to read each page, averages of different statistics. I think it would also be interesting to generate a predicted graph, as well as recommendations. Unfortunately, recommendations a much harder and require access to larger data sets. That being said, I will likely focus on finishing out the statistics presentation to be at least as good as Anki, then move on to a client – server system. This would allow me to distribute books* and gather data.

* These books would be off copyright / open source

3 thoughts on “BasicBookReader – Update Graphs

  1. Interesting, the idea of keeping statistics on how quickly you read and how many pages you read! I keep track of which books I read. I confess, I’m not sure about the idea of keeping such detailed statistics. I would focus on my speed and pages read instead of content, what I’ve learned, how I will respond to what I’ve learned. Perhaps that’s just me?

    1. The eventual goal is to make these statistics available to teachers and perhaps not students at all. This can provide insight as to which kids are having difficulty.

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