How Storytelling Influences Learning

Thou art god, I am god. All that groks is god. – Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land Today, on my drive home from work I was listening to the audio lecture series TTC: How We Learn for a second time. The first time I listened to it was about two years ago and I figured the […]

The Lawn Mowing Optimization Problem

Back Story Starting in high school I spent my weekends in the summer mowing lawns (and various other yard work) to make money. Often it was family members yards, they were willing to hire me for a fraction of a professional and were happy to send money my way. At one point I was mowing […]

Building a Simple Web Browser in C++ using Qt

This weekend I began working on something called Selenium Factory. Selenium is an application which automates the web browser, usually used for testing purposes. My intent is to build an application which generates Selenium code, enabling a user to type in the website they wish to test, save their various inputs/objects and output the code upon clicking […]