Trends of Reddit: Politics

This is the first of three articles on an analysis of Reddit community, utilizing – a demonstration of the Metacortex platform. The goal is to analyze if there are any political leanings of the Reddit communities we follow. Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – […]

Trends on Hacker News: Activity, Growth, Community

This is the third of three articles on an analysis of Hacker News community, utilizing – a demonstration of the Metacortex platform. The first article is Trends on Hacker News: Politics and the second is Trends on Hacker News: Programming Languages & Tools. This article primarily focuses on the activity of the Hacker News community, […]

Trends on Hacker News: Programming Languages & Tools

This is the second of three articles on an analysis of Hacker News community, utilizing – a demonstration of the Metacortex platform. The goal is to analyze the preferred programming languages and tools of the Hacker News community. The first article is Trends on Hacker News: Politics and is independent of this article. This […]