Synaptitude and Applying to Y Combinator

This week, after many sleepless nights. I am finally ready to launch, the website for the company Synaptitude I hope to create with Robb and Cole. We also recently (last night) applied to Y Combinator for Winter 2015. Although the acceptance to the program is <3% [1], I think we have a fair chance. Our […]

Capital One TDP Internship: 2014 Review

If you are interested in the TDP program, please send me an email: [email protected]. I can answer any questions and also potentially refer you! The summer of 2014, I was employed by Capital One as an intern in the Technology Development Program (or TDP). I must say, I was highly impressed by the program and […]

Radix Sort in C

Radix Sort is a relatively old being discovered in 1887 by Herman Hollerith, and it is a non-comparitive integer sorting algorithm. In many ways Radix Sort in C is an extension of Counting Sort in C, which I recommend reviewing as well, as it will provide must of the background for Radix Sort. Radix Sort The algorithm follows the […]