How to create a product demo video for your landing page

Making a product demo on your landing page can lead to significant conversions. Unfortunately, this can be challenging as the demo has to be quick to load (i.e. small) and robust to the various browsers. In this post I’ll cover some of what I did to create the landing page for (which, you guessed […]

Obtaining Loyal Customers with a Sub-Par Product

Building a startup from scratch is hard work. Particularly, when you’re a solo founder, such as myself. You simply have limited time. There is a constant, balancing act between where to focus: customer engagement, product management, engineering, design, etc. For me, the order is: Customers Product management Engineering Without customers you can’t develop the product […]

Active Record Subqueries using Rails and PostgreSQL

This article, briefly covers the idea of using the Active Record in Ruby on Rails with to create a subqueries to improve searches of a PostgreSQL database. An example where a subquery in SQL could be useful is: We have a table called comments which has three columns: author, comment_text, and created_at. The goal is […]