COVID19 Vaccine Deaths & Risks

I’ve been hesitant to weigh in on this topic. However, I believe at this point, it’s clear there are a significant number of COVID19 vaccine deaths & risks. It’s a touchy subject, but please stay with me… I believe this is critical. U.S. Vaccination Rate Today in the United States 53% of the population have…

Stagflation is Here – Monetary Inflation & Economic Depression

The world has entered one of the hardest times since 2008, it will likely dwarf 2008, as we wont be able to print our way out of it. That may be a bold statement, but it appears inevitable. In my view, there are simply too many indicators, we’re going to enter a time of Stagflation,…

WallStreetBets vs Wall Street & The Populist Rebellion

I have been engaging with WSB (/r/WallStreetBets) since 2014. Every regular person on WSB understands it’s a game. You can loose it all, make it big, sometimes both in the same day — it’s all a game. The most accurate assessment of WSB culture was clearly: Like 4chan found a Bloomberg Terminal. While the influx…